The current IBAC inquiry into branch stacking within the ALP is nothing more than a hop skip and jump down the cobblestones of memory lane .
I want to take you back to 2015 in the foggy memory of time to another almost as explosive time just to prove branch stacking is not the sole realm of Labor but a disease that’s afflicted the Liberal party also.
My disclaimer is that I joined the labour movement at 14yo n 1965 and spent 35 years as a militant union official since my retirement . I’ve been around the block a few times and probably up a few back lanes in that time
As they say in the classics I reckon I know the ins and outs of the cats guts and have dealt with more than my share of the rats in sheep’s clothing .
The labour movement does not belong to one or a collective of people ,it’s simply a movement that no body has the right to hijack or control for their own power or greed .
So we come to why and who is responsible for the illegal practice of branch stacking , who gains ? and for what purpose ?
I would like you to read Australia’s worst kept secret from 2015 and draw your own conclusions .
Its high time the working class fought back against the men and women who claim to represent us .
Ask why the shop assistants union who collaborated with major employers in the retail and fast food industry to lower the wages of the lowest paid in the sector to the tune of $ 300 million .
Simple ,you give us the union membership so that we can inflate our figures within the ALP and we will look favourably on lowering wages . No ticket no start is illegal but major employers signing new staff can have a undue influence . Dirty Deals Done Dirt cheap !!
This union is still on the executive of the ACTU !!