I told you about it. Blind Freddy (sight impaired) knew about it. My dog Daisy knew about it because she listens to me talking in my sleep.
Labor senators I have spoken to over the last 4 years knew. Labor members of the Victorian parliament knew also but did nothing. Why ? A large amount of officials in the trade union movement knew what he was up to but, because of the factions that prevail in the Labor Party, no one did a thing.
Of course they all huffed and puffed about it but in the end the ALP must prevail because the other mob is worse. Let’s assume here that the other mob is the working class, not the conservatives. How would that make you feel!!
We are know aware that Cesar Melhem, the labor party whip in the parliament. was up to no good with his industry 2020 fund.
Over $500,000 was raised by Melhem as the sole signatory in this gross misuse of funds contributed by employers to make sure that employers got the unions that they paid for.
Employers would not contribute to a fund if it was not in their interest to do so. No free lunches here.
Melham, as the secretary of the A.W.U, raised this amount by selling tables at functions to bosses at a greatly inflated rates of up to $50,000 at a time for a table.
And Cesar Mehem was the only signatory to this fund. No auditors’ reports. No financial responsibility. No wonder Cesar went on to buy himself overseas trips, electronic goods and the same fat cigars Joe Hockey smokes.
There were also deals done with other companies that paid “Peace money ” into Industry 2020 which was then converted into membership of the ALP .
Trawling through the White Pages to find some poor souls whose membership was to be paid by the AWU must have been time consuming for the staff or maybe it was outsourced to India.
Look at recent membership lists of the AWU that registered great jockeys Luke Nolan, the jockey of Black Caviar, and Craig Williams another champion jockey, as members of the AWU without their knowledge.
I reckon Cesar may have a bit of lead in the saddle bags with this and he is about to weigh in a bit heavy. The protest sirens are sounding.
Their memberships were fraudulent but were used to bolster the number of members of the AWU so that the union could boast false membership and therefore have greater influence at ALP conference.
Melham went to ALP conference stating that he was entitled to so many votes because he had so many members.
Well that has been proven to be a lie, but how many ALP politicians have now been elected based of Melham’s lies and incorrect figures.
The more members the greater influence on the floor of the ALP, bogus or not.
Let’s take into account the number of Victorian members of Parliament who were elected to the Victorian Parliament based on these false figures presented by both Melham and Shorten.
Those members of Parliament were financed by employers who contributed to Melhams illegal fun.
Any money left over from Melham’s secret fund has now gone to a little dubious character who now runs the plumbers union Earl Setches. Look out for him !!
They are all members of the right wing faction of the ALP and do not have the interest of the working class at all if at any time in recent history.
The time has come when the ALP purges these members from parliament for accepting blood money from bosses and gets back to what the ALP stood for.
His fund paid for electoral material the full cost of their campaigns and then some.
We need to thank the bosses contributing to Melhams industry 2020 fund that now have the parliamentarians they rightful paid for.
Those ALP members knew where the money came from and all attended and fraternised with the captains of industry who were paying large amounts to have their ear which would eventually end up in their election slush funds.
Maybe those members of parliament who accepted money from this illegal source should now be held accountable and tell us what they knew.
There was no audit of these funds and as the sole signatory of the fund Melham was free to spend the money as he saw fit and he did.
Major employers in the road building industry made deals with the AWU to ensure their membership was paid lower rates than other unions with similar coverage to ensure the workers received lower rates of pay and inferior conditions.
As a trade union official with 33 years experience I often attended work places where employees were concerned about wages and conditions only to be told that the police had been called, thrown off the premises for trying to defend workers conditions only to be told after being released from gaol that all the employees had joined the AWU on lower rates of pay and even less conditions if they didn’t sign they would be sacked.
Bill Shorten and Cesar Melham have a lot to answer for, the secret deals with bosses, secret deals which denied working people decent wages and conditions and secret deals that now see members in parliament having not the slightest interest in working people and were dishonesty elected into parliament in the first place.
Dare to struggle. Dare to win.
bagman says
Thanks Duke appreciate the info keep in touch
Duke of Earl says
Speaking of playing footsies with the bosses, google Earl Setches and Master Plumbers boss Ken Gardiner to see how many times these grubs have travelled overseas together to attend conferences. Vegas, Scotland, Chicago. EARL dont fly first class tho. He is above that bein in the Chairmans Club. Talk about a crook!
Paula Pope says
Keep biting the heels of these mongrels Denis. It’s no wonder worker’s compensation is in such a mess and a trauma for injured workers with corrupt individuals like this in charge of the unions.