I finally left the liquor trades union leaving all the campaigns behind , brewery strikes at Christmas , topless female workers , celebrity chefs wage theft , and the long … [Read more...]
Working Nude
Another hiccup in my understanding of what I began to interpret as ruling class law saw me seek an alternative, but rewarding position, at CUB in Carlton. I had what I … [Read more...]
No top, No beer
Before I left the Liquor Trades Union which represented brewery, hotel, restaurant and fast food workers there were some campaigns yet to be won. In the late 70s and early … [Read more...]
Where it all began
To dispel a few early rumours, I was born at the Royal Womens Hospital in Carlton. I went there because my mother was there at the same time. I was a breech birth so I came … [Read more...]
Weeping and Wailing in Egypt
The equivalent of the Oodnadatta cup here in Egypt was cancelled last night The Akmed cup for 2 year old knackered dromedaries was abruptly called off last night much to … [Read more...]