Because of the Covid-19 restrictions, we can’t run our annual Radiothon fundraiser. We can’t have all our broadcasters at the station, and we can’t staff the phones … [Read more...]
Murder on the Ruby Princess
The fingerprints of the Hillside cult are all over the current investigation into the deaths from covid19 of ten passengers on the ship Ruby Princess. I have … [Read more...]
High Court, only for a few
All sex abuse victims of the Catholic Church will be very disappointed, even devastated by today’s High court decision in relation to George Pell- but that’s the system we … [Read more...]
Crust but no crumbs. Part 1
Today's expose' of the franchise industry in today's Age newspaper reveals what Radio 3CR in Melbourne have been saying for years . Workers in the hospitality and fast food … [Read more...]
Fundraiser Thanks
Thanks everyone for your support! We had a successful fundraiser although the numbers were down a little from last year and we've realised that Saturday is not the best of … [Read more...]