I recently received a comment from Michael Mazur where he blamed the lack of fresh water, damage to the environment, lack of clean air, loss of thousands of jobs, the destruction of public hospitals and free education, on one single factor. Migrants.
Michael claimed that thousands of Australians died fighting for this country only to be swamped by what he describes as aliens.
These aliens took our jobs, destroyed the hard won working conditions of working people and blames their trade unions in being complicit in the destruction of these values. The only thing Michael hasn’t blamed on migrants is the invention of vegemite, zebra crossings and Vera Lynn records
I won’t reply to Michael Mazur but I will make his outdated racist comments public.
I thought the days of calling our neighbours wogs and dagos belonged in the 1950s but it seems they’re still alive in the cowards that hide behind our flag and the environment to express their abhorrent outdated and poisoned racism.
In my opinion Michael Mazur is a bitter and twisted person with only hatred in his heart for fellow humans, regardless of their race. Except of course for white people. In some ways it’s a shame that people such as him hold these outdated fascist views, but unlike him we do hold dear to the principle of equality, freedom and justice for all.
I do hate to get personal but I reckon Michael’s parents must have been crook on the world giving birth to him.
Look forward to your comments.
saint.anthony.k says
Look like I made a comment on this page (July 16, 2009 at 7:55 pm)
and asked (WHO is Michael Mazur?????) I must have more than my
usual 20 cans of beer that day because I cannot remember a thing.
I still do not know who Michael Mazur is..
michael mazur says
Thank you Miranda ! It’s not just me who thinks that trashing a person’s name on the basi’s of a comment no one elses has been because its been delted is just unheard of in the blog world.
So, congratulations Denis on a first, not to mention then going on 3CR on the 14th August and imputing that i – you used my name on airw – used `wogs` and `dagos` in the comment you had deletd; but you did’t add that you’d deleted them.
Upon being requested too, and without apology, to withdraw the remarks on air, you have refused to do so.
That is both churlish and ungracious Denis.
Let’s see how long this staiys up.
The Bagman says
Thanks for the comments Miranda
Miranda says
Hi Denis you are right it is drivel not dribble or whatever.I went to the workers on line site but the issues are rather out of date 2000 and 2001 same as F.F.T.S news so I only found one photo.
I have only tuned into 3cr a few times. I will not listen again as I prefer to get my news off the internet.You were in the right place at the right time to be part of 3cr and you seem to enjoy what you do but remember no one made you do it.
The Bagman says
Miranda. I suggest that you go to “workers on line” at the barricades for a review of my photographs.
Also google F.F.T.S news a publication of the CFMEU, a newspaper that I have edited for 5 years all photos and articles were written by me.
at least 20 publications have had my front page photos also. I have had four exhibitions of my work two of these in other countries.
I even photographed the last pope at the Zagreb cathederal in 1992 one on one .
Gerry Adams, Heath ledger , Xanana Gusmoa are among some who have sat for me.
Hope this will satisfy your curiosity
The Bagman says
Dear Miranda.
To set the record straight I am a member of the International Federation of Journalists[I.J.F] member #au3389 and also a member of the Australian Journalist Association member#3907573 .
In order to find out who funds my overseas trips I must admit to being journalist working in the trade union movement for over 33years I am funded by a variety of trade union organisations. In a slight correction to your claim that I speak dribble actually the correct pronunciation is drivel, I am bowled over that you and thousands of others are listening.
Although I dont claim that the radio station is mine,its ours, yours and mine, and belongs to anyone in the community.
I have been at the station for 28 years as a presenter and 13 years as the chairperson of the community radio federation . Its very easy to listen and critisise but not so easy to devote 28 years to an organisation one believes in .I hope you keep listening and look forward to you telling me more about yourself
Miranda says
Well Dennis I was not aware the radio station was yours as you claimed in one of your comments.
Peter wrote you write very well obviously he has not heard the dribble you speak on the radio.
As for the article by Michael I know the man and it is very strange to delete what he wrote and then accuse him.Ihave read many hundreds terrible things on blogs but they are never deleted just left on so people can comment on them.As for the Trade Unions they have sold out the accord and free trade with America ect.Who are you Denis Evans????Who finances all those trips abroad Europe,Malta,Russia,Sth America ect????.If you are as you claim to be a journalist well where are your articles and photos??? As far as I am concerned one could be forgiven for thinking you are a phony leftie a gatekeeper all talk with a certain agenda.we know what agenda
ciao miranda
The Bagman says
Michael Why would I want to promote racism by leaving your vile comments for every sane person to read?
Of course I am aware who you are, and thats why your comments could never be aired as a matter of fact I warned people at my station not to let
you air your racist views.
But please keep on blogging !
Canny Granny says
Regarding the post from Micheal Mazur who says you should have left a racist comment on your site “as normal blog owners do”, I shudder to think what blogs he usually reads.
Either this person reads a)unmoderated blogs where anyone and everyone can leave spam links or b) blogs of a supremacist nature where racist comments are welcomed.
You’re doing a great job, Denis, please don’t allow people like this to spout their BS nonsense on your site which, lest we forget, you own.
michael mazur says
Well, Denis, seeing as you exercise your Royal Prerogative of being whimsical in that you had deleted my comment of last month, which you proceeded to totally and deliberately mischaracterise in your condescending response; you then go further and delete my comment of yesterday in which i was complaining
As you’ve said, you’ve been to Moscow some 10 times, this was not tourism and could only have been for further instruction in the tactics of discourse to achieve ignoble Party ends.
Clearly this was so, for never have i encountered a situation as underhand as this on anyone else’s blog where the owner would launch into a patronising assault on a person making a comment?
This is low and unheard of – until now.
No wonder one Saint Anthony is wondering who i am, but wouldn’t be interested in had you left the comment in – as normal blog owners do.
The Bagman says
Thanks for the feedback,much appreciated.Please write again and tell me more about your world
The Bagman says
Thanks for your comment ,good to hear feedback please write again
Floost says
I liked it. So much useful material. I read with great interest.
michael mazur says
Saint Anthony is right to ask who Michael Mazur is, as my comment was not on the same page
As for who i am; i am one of 7,000,000,000 people on the planet, just like Saint Anthony and Denis Evans, which leaves 6,999,999,997 other people about, very very very very nearly all of whom we will never ever, nor can never never ever know nothing.
Perhaps, Denis, you can retrieve my comment and have it for Saint Anthony – or anyone else passing by – to have a look at, and he might not then have had to ask that question with 5 question marks.
i think vegemites, zebra crossings and Vera Lynn record were all great inventions irrespective of whos invented them.
Saint . Anthony says
WHO is Michael Mazur?????…..is the Bag-man still waiting for the revolution that will never come????
Kind regards to the bag-man from Saint Anthony…..