Article from October 2011
Kathy Jackson. the controversial federal secretary of Australia’s most dysfunctional union the Health Services Union, deserves no praise attributed to her in the media as being the “whistleblower” who has come forward to expose the corruption endemic in the organisation.
In April of 2009 the secretary of the H.S.U #4 branch Dr Rosemary Kelly disgusted with what she saw as the excesses of members of the federal executive arranged a petition of her members which included health professionals working in the hospital system
The petition directed to Fair Work Australia alleged that members of the executive had used the services of prostitutes, fine dining and the purchase of personal goods on the unions credit cards.
Among the first accused was now federal member of parliament for Dobell, Craig Thomson. Thomson had been federal secretary of the health services union from 2002 to 2007.
TBM says
Hey Noel I might do some investigating about her role on the Hesta board.Good to from you comrade!
noel marshall says
certainly a scary thought that kathy jackson sits on the hesta board especially for those of us that have money tied up in hesta perhaps i need to scrutinize my balanance more often and more carefully
gold price says
We have had mountains of documentation to wade through, and there is much more to come in this saga. I have been lucky enough to have my wife Felicity going through documentation and helping to proofread my posts, as well as IA managing editor David Donovan who assisted in the investigation and putting together the final versions of the stories. I would also like to thank the vast numbers of people who have sent messages of support, and particularly to all the HSU members who have offered information and assistance. These good people just want their union back from those who have hijacked it.
noel marshall says
hello denis well the thing that sends a shiver up my spine is the thought that kathy jackson and marco bolano could have control of the hsu before much longer the thought of it is depressing i just hope the members can see through there crapp the way things are going half the officaldom of the union might be behind bars before much longer what a bunch of slimy slugs
crikey says
why does the media miss this.
There was a full report on Independent Australia, followed by silence from the mainstream.
BM says
To the best of my knowledge kathy and Jeff had 2 children. They of course have had more partners
than I have had Sunday dinners so its hard to tell how many of the fruit of their loins are running around,
but we cant blame the kids for their parents actions.
Clare says
Kathy And Jeff are married and have 3 kids ?
Sugel says
In order to cast an effective vote in the election, union members are required to complete their own ballot paper, seal and sign the outer envelope and post it back to the Australian Electoral Commission. Lindsey Read and others linked to the Marco Bolano campaign stand accused of rorting that process by their opponents.