Congratulations to the students protesting the scholarship given to the Prime Minister’s daughter, Frances.
Don’t feel sorry for the woman, Abbott must have anticipated the backlash following the drastic reduction in education funding punishing students and increasing fees.
Let’s look on it this way, this government has kicked pensioners, the elderly,the unemployed and families in the guts. Young families with children will be hurt, pensioners will be hurt the unemployed etc etc. They have declared class war on every Australian.
I feel sorry for every person affected by the decision to slash and burn on a manufactured lie about the state of the economy.
This young woman will never be without a job, never be without support, never be without privilege and she’ll never have the arse out of her pants.
No don’t feel sorry for her, save your thoughts for those targeted by her father and the government she supports. Save your sympathy for the sick and the elderly for gods sake.
The most vulnerable in our country have every right to be angry to feel that this government doesn’t care about them. They must now fight back and fighting back does not allow for any sympathy simply because she happens to be Abbotts daughter.
There is no excuse that we should leave the children of politicians out of the fight.
No sympathy should be expected when a war is declared.