My mother is a frail 85yr old pensioner, smart as a whip but still old and frail.
Mum likes to make sure that she eats as healthy as she can because she cannot cook for herself without exertion . She has been getting pre-prepared meals from a company called Choice Fresh Meals for about 4 years.
In February she had a fall in her flat which meant an ambulance was required to transfer her to the Royal Melbourne hospital. She arrived at 11pm. This was the beginning of a very long stay in hospital plus a long period in rehabilitation.
At the emergency department, covered in blood and in severe pain, Mum had the nouse to remember that she was getting a delivery at 10am the next morning at her flat. Despite the pain and confusion she managed to ring her neighbour to let the food delivery man know that she was in hospital and to cancel the order. Her neighbour did this at 10am the following morning and the order returned to the company – not bad for a frail 85yr old to organise.
Thirteen weeks later Mum was released from hospital, and rang the company to resume the service only to be told that she owed $44 because she did not give the company 48 hours notice of cancelling the order the night she fell over and admitted to hospital.
Mum argued that it was impossible to know that she was going to have a fall 48 hours before she fell. The company said thanks for being a good customer but you still need to give 48 hours.
I argued that it was impossible to know that she was about to fall then the company dropped the clanger and told me that she should have got a doctor or nurse to ring to cancel the order. That would be right – get a hard working doctor or nurse in the casualty department to ring at near midnight to cancel Mum’s order.
The sting is in the tale here. Even if a hard working doctor or nurse went to the extreme to notify the company, their phones are only manned between 9 and 5 business hours. So their platitudes to my mother are totally hollow, there is no way a 48 hour cancellation could be adhered to if you don’t know 48 hours in advance that you’re going to need to be hospitalised
The policy is harsh and unjust, it fails to take into account unforeseen circumstances a lot of pensioners find themselves in their last years.
I have sent a number of e-mails and phone calls but the company adheres to this uncompromising policy of taking money from the most vulnerable in our community.
Should people like to assist my Mum get a refund before I take the company to VCAT, they can contact the company on to say how unfair their policy is
Here’s the contact info How to contact Choice Fresh Meals
TBM says
Thanks Linda owe you one!
TBM says
Thanks very much Sonia
Sonia says
I just heard from my friend, Denis Evans, the manner in which you have treated his elderly mother, a customer of yours for four years, after she had a medical emergency that meant she had to cancel her order. You have risked her custom and the good will of many of his friends, over an unreasonable demand for compensation of $44. Seriously? The amount of bad publicity that you’ve garnered over this is going to cost you ten times that amount to fix.
She’s an old lady, she fell. She let you know as soon as possible that she had fallen, despite being in lots of pain (and blood). Could you not have left it at that?
Rather appalled,
Kim Ryder says
Your attitude towards refunds are discussing. Is there no commoncence left these days. To not refund / or cancel this dear elderly lady bill. Just saddens me deeply.
In response I will do every thing in my power to get this story out there.
For people to make an informed dissuasion. As your policies on 48 hours notice need to cancel an order. Would not be suitable for the elderly.
Taking a fall, could happen at any time. And think you would agree, that 48 hours notice is quit impossible.
It’s such a shame that company’s and the people running them. Think it ok to treat our elderly in this way. You may as well take the wallets and still the money out of it. It’s stilling know matter what way you look at it.
Shame on you : info@
Pete says
One option would be for mum or family member to contact her local state Member of Parliament who I am positive would contact the company on her behalf and explain that her story would be raised in Parliament as a Members Statement should they not do the right thing and cancel the charge and agree to change their policy going forward.
Susanna says
I hope the commenters here are sending this message to the company and not just to this website
Eileen says
Your attitude/policy is a disgrace. In sharing this I have informed several thousand. If they share – well I guess it will be karma.
TBM says
Thanks Linda
Linda Jenkin says
Your policy on cancellations is harsh particularly given your client base.
I would understand if someone went on holidays or changed their mind and forgot to tell you but when there was clearly a medical emergency? You’re being exploitation and you should be ashamed.
Suggesting Health Professionals should make the call is unrealistic and disrespectful – they’re already over taxed as it is!
You should also realise two important things; a happy customer tells one person – an unhappy customer tells 10.
It’s really up to you now whether you turn us into brand advocates or brand terrorists. Your bad policy; your choice.
Linda Jenkin