Crime matriarch Judy Moran currently facing charges of murdering her brother in law Des “Tuppence” Moran seems to be living the high life in the “go slow'” at Dame Phyliss Frost prison for women.
My close sources within the prison system indicate that our Judy is not coping too well with the lack of attention shown by other women prisoners, and coping even less with the authority’s lack of recognition as the head of a so called crime syndicate which was so famous for the inability to dodge bullets. Most of this dyslexic mob wouldn’t know if there was a tram up ’em unless the driver rang the bell.
Judy simply craves the spotlight and she is making every move as she once again tarts herself up for her own murder trial.Now thats a good way to get your head in the newspapers or on television!!
Refusal to Work
The silly old mole has refused to do any work within the prison system prefering to tart herself up for the murder trial, she insists that she not work, insisting instead on having her hair, nails and makeup attended to each day whilst careening around the corridors on her mobile go cart.
Now I had a couple of conversations with the old tart during the trial of Alexis Gousis who was at the time facing murder charges himself, accused of killing Judy’s hubby Lewis Moran.
She seemed just like any other old crime tart more interested in a photo in the papers or gaining sympathy as the mother of 2 sons murdered in the drug war who got their right whack for ordering the killing of others and peddling toxic drugs to all and sundry.
No honour among thieves
They say there is no honour among thieves and this could not be truer in the case of the Morans and their sworn enemy Carl “give up” Williams.
Carl Williams was a “give up” and a “dog” willing to become a police informer in order to save his own skin.The Fat Boy got what was coming to him when fellow prisoner Mathew Charles Johnson……. belted him over the head with a bicycle frame.
No prison officer witnessed the fatal blows apparently they were looking the other way for 15 minutes.
Roberta Williams is willing to sell her body and her soul in order to obtain a few dollars from that famous magazine “no idea”, but both of them are police informers, at least Judy Moran sticks to the old principle of never giving anybody up.
Trial Outcomes?
Judy’s trial is in its last days and I would bet London to a brick that the Jury will bring back a verdict that surprises nobody least of all the Queen of the go carts.
She will just have to retreat back to her cell and her nail polish.
Judy will always be remembered as the head of a family that either shit or shot itself.
Carl Williams will always be remembered as the fat boy in the golden casket that hasn’t been paid for yet.
Maybe Roberta can prostitute herself again to pick up the tab with a little help from the promoters of crime, the magazine New Idea.
Unfortunately no old tarts or police informers were harmed during the compilation of this blog
Kat says
A hairdresser in Essendon just went broke since her verdict!!