Before “big” Billy starts beating his chest about who should or should not be a member of the Labor party, he should reflect on the political allegiances of some of his parliamentary colleagues.
Bill you got caught in the headlights over the election of Joe Bullock and to your shame you backed the wrong candidate.
No one would argue with the move that to rid some crooked trade union officials Williamson, Thomson and Jackson is a bad thing .Bill must now ensure that the people he lobbied for from his faction, the right, argued for Joe Bullock to be supported .
Before being preselected to the senate he must make sure that people he supports, are not homophobic, not racist, not extreme Christians but people who actually vote for the party they are elected to represent.
Joe doesn’t vote for the Labor !
But Bill supported him !!!
You’re the leader of the labor party, but you support someone that fails to vote for the party you lead.
Those who have been selected using the factional system include some of the biggest failures we have seem in recent years .
He argued for the selection of Joe Bullock vigorously above that of a committed labor women Louise Pratt. He criticised Pratt for her sexuality and her feminist ideals. Bill dumped her in a factional deal!!!!! And put Joe Bullock first on the senate ticket.
The factional deals involved are poisonous and have resulted in many labor party parliamentarians who just don’t come up to scratch, are lazy or corrupt. In many circumstances they are basically corrupt if not downright without the capacities the look after the interest of those they represent.
Bullock is a committed homophobe, he is anti woman and anti working class but Shorten supported him.
No wonder Bill is now calling for the end of the factional system, why? Because he has been caught backing the wrong candidate, the candidate that doesn’t vote for the party that Bill is the leader of!!
That has to be a major embarrassment for Bill and no wonder he is calling for a revamp of the system he used to his advantage for corruption with the union movement.
Yes Bill, there are many people out there not members of the A.L.P but who have more working class principles than you, coming up through the ranks who cannot be corrupted by a system that has defended capital for the last 60 years because they have nothing to gain except to provide a better community and a better world. It’s O.K to say that we need to change the system when that system has delivered many corrupt members or members who, to use the phase, were “bumped into parliament”
I worked as a militant trade union official for 35 years of my life and I have witnessed the dirty deals done dirt cheap but will never abandon my working class principles. But I will work to change the system unlike you. And if some people claim that I am anti labor well yes, I am, because I am so disappointed that members of the party don’t stand up and be counted instead of having their principles trampled upon and without standing up for the corrupt system of pre selection which excludes normal working men and women without the privilege of who you know “not what you know.”
Time for ALP members to stand up, don’t except the promise of change because it won’t happen until you stand up and defend yourself.
If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.
Darren says
‘Bullock is a committed homophobe, he is anti woman and anti working class but Shorten supported him.’
Sounds like Bernardi. Except for the Shorten bit.
At least Shorten is sticking it up the Tories (well, at least one of them).