Sunset at Valadero beach in Cuba.
I admit that I like to light up a zig and zag as the sun sets but as the sun didn’t look like setting for sometime I reached for my packet of Pall Mall Red.
The bottom of the pack should have been a clear warning for what was to follow. Sun Ripened Tobacco screamed the clear message in big bold letters for all to read
I thought for a second the message was sun ripened tomatoes but no, the clear message was that the tobacco in my zig and zag was matured in the sunlight which gave it “more taste” Lighting up meant that I had accepted the warning.
If I was to light up I clearly understood that the benefits of sun ripened tobacco was to be outweighed by the fact that with each time I inhaled I would expose myself to more than 40 harmful chemicals.
These chemicals, explained clearly on the packet, would also damage blood vessels, body cells and my immune system. It then went on to promise that these would also lead to chronic illness or premature death. What happened to the benefits of the sun ripened weed? If it’s sun ripened but deadly, it’s as useless as a second prick on a honeymoon
By this stage I was shaking like a dog shitting razor blades. Relief was at hand as I dared to read further that smoking causes irreversible damage to the back of the eye known as macular degeneration. Once central vision is lost blindness may follow. Not a bad thing considering what I was reading.
Selling cigarettes is all above board. It’s legal – despite the amount of chemicals cigarette companies have introduced to their products over the years.
Let me now get to the point of my argument, if I went to my local butcher to buy a kilo of sausages [sometimes know as mystery bags] and the wrapping contained a warning that the chemicals used to produce the snags would give me cancer, cause me blindness and premature death or abort my unborn child you wouldn’t see me for the dust.
Government authorities would be on to the butcher like a seagull on a piece of hot fat before they shut him down and fine him massively.
His business would be ruined, he would be evicted from his house, his wife would leave him and his children would spit on him in the street.
Why does the government treat your local butcher one way and large multinational cigarette companies another way? I would like readers views on this and clearly indicate that I like a fag as much as the next idiot.
My point is that it seems that the nicotine nazis are on the ascendancy. There is nowhere safe to have a cigarette without being hit over the head by the fag fascists. These insidious organisations continually erode the rights of smokers at the same time eroding your civil liberties. If they were fair dinkum they would lobby the government to ban smoking altogether. No half measures. If it’s so lethal, let’s put cigarette companies out of business .
Organisations are springing up telling you what you can eat ,what you can drink or what your children can eat or drink or the movies they can watch.
Ready made experts of nothing in particular spring up on radio, television or the newspapers daily espousing their new age enlightened bullshit.
In reality nothing more than spokespeople for interest groups with an agenda to push down your throat with the view to eroding your civil liberties even more.
An example is commercial radio that draws on the skills of second rate so called experts to tell you what to think and how to act .They can produce an expert on any subject from crime to child adolescents. They tell us how to raise our children, what to feed them, what they can read etc etc .
We don’t have to think for ourselves any, more radio shock jocks and their expert hangers on will do that for us, Thank you!
Have we lost the art of thinking for ourselves? Or are we complicit in allowing the media to do our thinking for us? Let me know.
Jenny says
Yeah. I’m still a smoker and find that my choice (deadly as it is) is being eroded every day. The government has introduced a scheme to come into effect tomorrow that you can get a script for nicotine replacement therapy, but only for 4 weeks. Are they kidding? Every time I’ve given up (apart from the early years of trying cold turkey) I’ve used nicotine replacemnet therapy. But these too are so expensive. I admit: less expensive than cigarettes. Most of the people I know who have given up have continued on nicotine of some sort for the rest of their lives (which haven’t ended yet)
Smoking is slow suicide, but it is a very difficult drug to give up. I don’t see why my civil rights should be curtailed because of what cigarette companies have put in their sticks. In Japan they now can’t smoke anywhere outside. There are small tents every so often for the desperados like myself.
This will be the next step here for a legal product, but no smoking tents will be provided.
It just sends the smoker home to rot.
The Bagman says
Thanks for your post Simon always good to get feedback.
The ironic position I find my self in is that my brother in law who by the way is a great bloke
is also also on the board of British American Tobacco until recently based in Russia but now in South Africa.
He is coming to australia soon so I will put your concerns to him directly.
Thanks Denis
simon prast says
Hi Denis
I am a smoker who has just encountered the same outrageous claim on the bottom of Pall Mall Red cigarettes. I expressed my concerns to British American Tobacco who run the show down in this part of the world. Their fatuous response was a confirmation that the tobacco was grown in the open air / sun and that there was no such thing as a safe cigarette. I responded that the full product statement was sun ripened for more taste and that this was not about false advertizing, but rather claiming a benefit between consumption of their product and the sun / open air. Furthermore, the graphics on the bottom panel rendered it indistinguishable from a box of raisins. I’m after a product recall. How is it possible that a poison can be sunripened for more taste??!!??
best wishes
Simon Prast
New Zealand
The Bagman says
Gee,your right Michael the word is macular, I could not read the packet properly due to macular degeneration .Thanks for that valuable lesson I will just have to adjust to people who have no other purpose in life is than correct others use of the english language. After reading your comments on 9/11
I would advise that taking your medication on a regular basis should be a life long committment .
michael mazur says
You write :”smoking causes irreversible damage to the back of the eye known as muscular degeneration once central vision is lost blindness may follow”.
The word is macular, Denis.
Btw, have a lock at missing-algerian-children-had-their-organs-removed-by-jews/
It will give you and Sues something altogether different to talk about on Friday.
I’ll look forward to it !
What’s that your say?
youd rather be shitting razor blads than talk about Algerian kids being carved up for their organs by Jews ?
Shoud you say that Denis, i will beleive you.