On average, one hundred and thirty thousand people world wide die each year from influenza. Put into perspective that’s a very significant number of deaths occurring each year, year after year.
The absolute hysteria surrounding “swine flu,” this year’s version of influenza, has reached comical heights in both the media and Pavlov’s dogs in the government. Why the hysteria?
World wide there have been 38 deaths attributed to “swine Flu” all of which, according to experts, were exacerbated by underlying causes.
Underlying causes to me suggests that those who have died already had pre-existing illness such as heart disease, severe respiratory disease etc. Due to more rigid epidemiological tests applied in Mexico this week the death toll has been reduced to 9 only, attributed to “swine flu”
A spokesperson for the world health organisation had the world population reeling when it pronounced that “swine Flu” was a threat to mankind.
Yes. Nine people have died world wide, but a threat to mankind is telling one big porkie!
Of course governments have an obligation to protect its citizens from unnecessary harm, but seems more interested in pandering to the media as they continue to suppress its citizens with threat after threat to keep us on our toes, or to be more descriptive, on the back foot!
Remember the Y2K bug, mad cow disease, bird flu, Salmonella and the odd sheep alert up in Talbot town? One expert predicted during the bird flu “epidemic” that it had the potential the kill off the whole human race. Glad to know that we are all still alive.
They all failed to eventuate but we were all told that these would lead to the end of civilisation as we know it.
Now we are shutting down schools at the first sign of a sniffle at a time of year when you would expect a few sniffles, after all it is winter!
Governments are pathetically piss weak when confronted with a media campaign that may have an adverse effect on only one citizen.
Why is that? If only one Australian citizen was to die even if that person had an underlying disease, the Media would attack the government accusing the government of murder and the proverbial heads would need to roll. There would be calls to sack the government.
That’s why the government tugs the forelock and panders to the hysteria generated by the media .No government wants to be seen as not caring, especially when it comes to children, but I object when we are treated as a nation that can’t look after itself without the sage advice and interference of the media and governments.
Stop treating us like children! After all we got this far without media and government interference.
Needless to say I would like to make a “”Nostril anus “prediction that we will see yet another epidemic, pandemic, etc named after another animal or population of people within the next 12 months. There have been calls to cease international travel, to ban people going to sporting events such as football and racing. I am not daring to go out the front door if there is even a hint of fog.
The people of Clifton Hill must be shaking like a dog shitting razor blades as the flu seems to be centred on their community, other cases have centred on the northern and western suburbs only.
Interesting to see that although many schools have been shut down due to the panic generated, the MacDonalds store at Epping Plaza was allowed to continue to operate despite the fact there was a confirmed case of “swine flu” of one of its employees last Friday.
I am convinced ‘Swine Flu” hysteria is an aberration. It’ no worse that any other influenza that sweeps the world each year.
Stop being frightened, stop being lied to, stop being panicked when there is no need to.
As a nation we can be sooks because we believe in the garbage that we are fed by the media and carried out by nanny governments.